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Where do you go from here?

Take the Vision 2020 conversation to your church or classis with this Vision 2020 discussion toolkit. The process used by delegates at synod has been adapted for churches, and the toolkit includes a facilitator guide and gathers all the materials in one place.

Not sure how to answer questions about the Vision 2020 Team’s origins, the team’s members, or other details? Here are the Vision 2020 FAQs.

If you liked Trisha Taylor’s, Jim Herrington’s, and Ryan Donovan’s presentations, check out their recommended podcasts to prepare for hard conversations:

Jim Harrison, RCA coordinator for prayer mobilization, gives tools to practice listening prayer with your family or your congregation.

General Synod approved covenant shares, a method of funding based on percentage of income. Curious how a percentage-of-income assessment compares for your church? Download this covenant shares calculator. We’ve also got FAQs for covenant shares.

Want to learn more about how the RCA is partnering with other denominations with The Christian Unity projectShare the video from General Synod with your church!

Want to share any of the commissioned pastor videos you saw at General Synod with others? Find them here.

Get the rundown on major synod decisions with the General Synod news summary. Even more detail is available in the daily news roundups at

Relive the memories (or just look for yourself and your friends) in the synod photo slideshows.