The Commission on Judicial Business deals with discipline, complaints, and appeals. As the list of responsibilities is significant, please see chapter two of the Book of Church Order, Disciplinary and Judicial Procedures.
Commission on Judicial Business
Judicial Business was a permanent committee prior to the Book of Church Order. The committee existed throughout the 20th century.
The commission has eight members, one from each of the eight regional synods. The commission needs to have at least three lay people and three ministers at all times. The lay people must have legal training and experience. All members must have knowledge of and background in the structure, government, and function of the denomination. The regional synods are responsible for nominating individuals to this commission (BCO Chapter 3, Part I, Article 5, Section 6).
Please consider whether service on the Commission on Judicial Business is something to which God is calling you. If it is, provide contact your regional synod stated clerk.
List of Commissions
- Commission on Christian Action
- Commission on Christian Discipleship and Education
- Commission on Christian Unity
- Commission on Christian Worship
- Commission on Church Order
- Commission on History
- Commission on Judicial Business
- Commission on Nominations
- Commission on Race and Ethnicity
- Commission on Theology
- Commission for Women