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Commission on Theology

The Commission on Theology studies theological matters arising in the life of the church, referred to it by the General Synod, or initiated within the commission itself (BCO Chapter 3, Part I, Article 5, Section 9).


In 1958, General Synod was asked to give serious consideration to the establishment of a commission for the purpose of producing a document outlining the Christian faith of the RCA. The next year, the Committee on Confessional Interpretation recommended the creation of the Theological Commission, and General Synod approved (MGS 1959, pp. 363-367). It became the Commission on Theology in 1980 when General Synod approved a rewrite of the General Synod bylaws and special rules of order (MGS 1979, pp. 179-195).


The ten members of the commission must have competence in theology. In addition, the ten members must include two members of RCA seminary faculties, one General Synod professor, two members of RCA college faculties, three pastors, and two lay people.

Please consider whether service on the Commission on Theology is something to which God is calling you. If it is, provide the Commission on Nominations with information about yourself by completing a profile form.

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