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Affordable Loans for Churches

Why borrow from the CGF?

Borrowing from the CGF is good for the kingdom and makes financial sense. Not only will you receive a favorable interest rate and low closing costs, but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that the interest on your loan generates earnings that enable the CGF to make contributions to the denomination used to offer grants to new church plants, provide scholarships for young people to serve on mission trips, and building improvements to economically challenged yet flourishing churches.

Top-notch customer service

The CGF team truly cares about your church! From start to finish, our team offers personalized support and care so your ministry goals are accomplished.

Competitive rates

The CGF offers affordable, competitive interest rates. We are able to structure loans with flexible terms that are compatible and meet the financial needs and conditions of each individual borrower.


Interest on your loan is used to offer grants to church plants, provide scholarships to mission trips, and help other economically challenged churches.

Types of church loans available

Short-term Loans

For facility repair, restoration, and capital improvements

Loan term: Up to 5 years

Maximum loan amount: $200,000

Interest rate:
Rates fixed for the duration of the loan.

Building Loans

For purchase, construction, or improvement of a facility used in ministry or the purchase of land for future use

Loan term: Up to 30 years

Maximum loan amount: $5,000,000

Interest rate:
Determined by the financial strength of the borrower and the overall loan request.
Rates fixed for up to 5 years, and then adjustable annually thereafter to the CGF index rate then in effect. At this time, the CGF index rate for annual adjustments is 6.25%

Special Loans

For improvements to a facility damaged by a natural disaster or to make a building more energy efficient and accessible for people with disabilities

Loan term: Up to 25 years

Maximum loan amount: $100,000

Interest rate:
Fixed at 5.25% for the first 5 years of the loan.

This information is only intended to be a summary of the terms available. Actual terms will be established by the loan documents.

Financial Guidelines and Eligibility

Eligible borrowers include current and former RCA churches, classes, and other agencies and affiliates of the denomination. Congregations must be organized churches and have worshiped in the RCA for at least three years. If a church does not meet these criteria, its classis is required to be a co-borrower. The CGF uses the guidelines below to assess the creditworthiness of loan applicants. These serve only as guidelines; there are times when a church does not compare favorably to them, but we approve a loan due to other circumstances.


Above average


Below average

Ratio of loan amount to congregational giving*





Congregational giving per giving unit





Ratio of annual debt service to congregational giving





Annual debt service per giving unit





*Congregational giving refers to all amounts received by the church except for pledge payments relating to capital and other fundraising campaigns.

Loan Application requests and questions regarding CGF loan programs can be directed to either Karen Hulsart, CGF Loan Officer or Pam Goslinga, CGF Executive Director

This is not an offer to sell our securities to you and we are not soliciting you to buy our securities. We will offer and sell our securities only in states where authorized. The offering is made solely by our Offering Circular. The purchase of our securities is subject to risks, which are described in our Offering Circular. We do not currently offer securities in all states. See How to Invest for a list of states in which we are authorized to sell our securities.

Not FDIC or SIPC insured • Not a bank account • No RCA guarantee •