Frequently Asked Questions
How is RCA Church Multiplication funded?
The Reformed Church in America has been planting new churches for almost 400 years. We love those far from God and want everyone to hear about the grace of Jesus in a context that makes sense to them.
RCA Church Multiplication is funded through denominational assessments. This covers staff time, leadership, events, record-keeping, communications, and all the systems and partnerships required to start new churches. It does not cover grants given to church planters, church plants, or to classes multiplication teams.
RCA Church Multiplication grants are primarily funded through the generosity of our partners. RCA Church Multiplication partners with the Church Growth Fund to support new church plants. The Church Growth Fund offers affordable,competitive interest rate loans and savings certificates, and the interest paid goes to support ministry grants. Since 1999, the Church Growth Fund and RCA Church Multiplication have given over $6 million in grants to help support new church plants. RCA Church Multiplication also partners with generous donors like you!
Who qualifies for a grant to plant with the RCA?
The Reformed Church in America Church Multiplication team offers several strategic, targeted grants to help start new RCA churches.
Some grants are given to classes within the RCA to promote capacity within a classis. This provides start-up funding to help guide leaders and systems toward best practices in church multiplication.
Some grants are given to church plants to support planter development or new church plant development. These grants are either in a micro-grant system or in a block grant system. Grant totals are similar in both systems, but vary in delivery depending on if the classis is in a micro or block grant system. Since some classes are in the micro-grant system and others work towards the block grant system, both support plants and planters for success.
Grants given are intended to have a long-term, positive impact on the RCA. We kindly ask that only those that are committed to the RCA and intend to stay in the RCA apply for a grant.
What is the grant approval process?
Grant applications are accepted throughout the year and are typically reviewed within three weeks of the submission date. Grant amounts are regularly in flux. Email for current amount information or to submit your application.
How can I support new church plants?
If you want to donate to support the work of church planting, please donate here. This will help cover the cost of RCA Church Multiplication time, leadership, record-keeping, communication, and events through the On Mission Fund. It helps provide the infrastructure of RCA Church Multiplication and makes the work and mission of church planting possible.
There are three ways to give:
Online by credit card
- Visit our giving page
By phone (U.S. only)
Call Terri Boven at 616-541-0835.
By mail
Please send your check, made out to “Reformed Church in America,” and designated using “Church Multiplication”
In the United States:
Reformed Church in America,
Attn: Finance Dept.,
4500 60th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
In Canada
PO Box
PO Box 1583 Stn Main,
Woodstock, Ontario N4S 0A7