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Next Generation Missional Engagement Fund

Scholarships for Mission

The Next Generation Missional Engagement Fund helps make it possible for children, youth, and young adults to engage in Christ’s kingdom mission around the world. The fund supports scholarships for groups and individuals serving on domestic or international mission trips. These trips engage volunteers in Christian service with a focus on spiritual transformation and long-term impact on the partner and community.

Who funds the scholarship?

This fund was created by generous contributions from the RCA Church Growth Fund (CGF). The CGF supports the work and witness of the RCA by making loans to churches, classes, and other agencies and affiliates so they can purchase, build, or improve the facilities used in their ministries. The CGF contributes a portion of its earnings to support new church plants and also to this scholarship fund. Donations also come from individual donors throughout the RCA.

Learn more about the CGF

Types of scholarships

Scholarships are available for individuals and church groups to serve through mission trips. Mission trips help to engage volunteers in Christian service with a focus on spiritual transformation and long-term impact on the partner and community. Mission experiences that accrue academic credit are not eligible for a scholarship.

Scholarship requirements and eligibility

Individual applicants

  • Applicant must be age 25 or under.
  • Scholarship must be used for a mission trip. A mission trip should engage volunteers in Christian service with a focus on spiritual transformation and long-term impact on the partner and community.
  • Applicant must be a member or regular attendee at an RCA congregation.
  • One scholarship application per calendar year, per person.
  • A scholarship will cover up to 25 percent of the cost of a mission experience. The maximum scholarship for individuals is $1,500.

Group applicants

  • Recipients of scholarship funds must be age 25 and under. This can either mean that the whole mission group or some members of the group are age 25 and under. Funds should be used to offset costs for group members that fit this qualification.
  • Scholarship must be used for a mission trip. A mission trip should engage volunteers in Christian service with a focus on spiritual transformation and long-term impact on the partner and community.
  • The mission group must be from an RCA congregation.
  • One scholarship application per congregation, per calendar year.
  • A scholarship will cover up to 25 percent of the cost of a mission experience. The maximum scholarship for a group is $3,000.

Apply for a scholarship

Here are the current scholarship application deadlines. (We recommend that you apply two to three months before you plan to serve.) The scholarship selection team of RCA Short-Term Mission, Global Mission, and Next Generation Engagement staff will make decisions within three weeks following the application due date.

We acknowledge in this application that these are uncertain and tumultuous times in the life of the Reformed Church in America. Scholarships given are intended to have a long-term, positive impact on the RCA. We kindly ask that only those that are committed to the RCA and intend to stay in the RCA apply for a scholarship.

  • February 1
  • April 15
  • June 1
  • August 1
  • November 1

Scholarship applications can also be requested by emailing

Download the individual applicationDownload the group application

“God provided so many opportunities for us to learn from, as well as to really encourage the students.”

Hannah Floodserved with Arts Camp in Israel/Palestine

“The trip made us brave to do things that are not always easy.”

Olivia and Lucia Penzottiserved on a mission trip in Guatemala

“We learned that spreading God’s love isn’t as complicated as we often make it out to be. Showing people respect, kindness, and mercy is really where it’s at.”

First Reformed Pompton Plainsserved in Belize

You were chosen for a scholarship. Now what?

If you receive a scholarship, you will be expected to complete a report following your mission experience. The report includes opportunities for you to share stories about your experience, thank donors who contributed to the scholarship fund, and provide photos that can be used in the RCA’s annual report.

Donate to the scholarship fund

Short-term mission trips allow RCA young people to develop as leaders, form relationships with RCA missionaries and mission partners, serve as catalysts for change in their home communities, commit to lifelong missional living, and engage their faith community more deeply.

Donate to the scholarship fund