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Flourishing Churches Grant

Has your ministry grown beyond your building?

Many RCA churches have thriving ministries but lack the financial resources for necessary building improvements. The Flourishing Churches Grant provides funding for the facility upgrades RCA churches need to continue and grow their ministries.

Grants of up to $50,000 are available to RCA churches that meet the following criteria:

  • Organized in the RCA for a minimum of three years
  • Stable or increasing church membership and attendance over the past three years
  • Capable of meeting essential operating expenses
  • Does not have access to financial resources to fund the cost of the necessary facility project
  • In good standing with their classis

The grant selection process will also take into consideration:

  • Age of the church building
  • Deferred maintenance
  • Socioeconomic status of church attendees and/or the financial position of the congregation
  • This grant is intended for organized churches who call the RCA home and intend to stay in the RCA

Apply for a grant

A committee of General Synod Council (GSC) staff will oversee the grant program, including both the selection process and follow-up with the recipients of grant funds. Tell us what your project will do, but spend more time telling us why this project will help you make disciples in your church or share Christ’s love in your community.

The Church Growth Fund (CGF) contributes funds designated for Flourishing Churches Grants to the GSC on an annual basis.

Contact with any questions

We are no longer taking applications for the 2024/2025 Flourishing Churches Grant.

Tell Your Story Webinar Video

For helpful advice on how to tell your story as you submit for financial assistance.

"How to Write a Grant" webinar