Latin America

David Colop

  • Education and leadership development

Dust swirls on the bumpy ride over unpaved roads. In a rural area of Guatemala, a small church comes into view. This church serves as one location for a Quiché tribe biblical teaching center. Inside, humble classrooms are filled with warm, friendly pastors and church leaders who are eager to share their experiences. As they pass around sweet bread and atoll—a thick, nourishing drink—they express their gratitude to learn Scriptures in their native language so they can better lead the Quiché church.

David is a native Guatemalan of the Quiché tribe. His father, Isaias, founded a ministry called Rutzij Tijonic (a Quiché phrase that means “Teaching
His Word”). David worked with him to develop three courses based on the Mayan learning style that takes leaders through the Bible in their native language three times in three years. Itinerant Mayan teachers, who David has trained, teach all courses.

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Rutzij Tijonic in Guatemala

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