Middle East

Joshua and Erica Bode

  • Education and leadership development

At dawn in the city of Muscat, a call to prayer fills the desert air. It’s the same call that echoes against the buildings every day, five times a day. It is against this backdrop in Oman, a Muslimmajority nation, that God calls Christians to bear witness to peace and reconciliation in Christ. This call is lived out, in part, through the Protestant Church in Oman and the dozens of congregations in its care.

Josh Bode serves the PCO congregations as they build bridges and love their neighbors in Oman. They are from half a hundred countries, more than twice that many Christian traditions, and every socioeconomic class under the sun. This international body of believers serves Jesus in Oman, bears witness to Christian unity within human diversity, all while seeking to increase the global church. Josh also serves as the Director of Operations and Ecumenical Affairs at the Al Amana Centre in Oman.

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