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Synod voted to approve changes to the Book of Church Order (BCO) that will allow a commissioned pastor to serve as supervisor of the consistory of the congregation he or she serves, providing there is no installed minister of Word and sacrament and if the classis approves.

Currently, in a church served by a commissioned pastor, the consistory is supervised by a minister of Word and sacrament appointed by the classis.

The BCO change was recommended by the Commission on Church Order. In presenting the commission’s reasoning for the change, commission moderator Josh Bode said the church has defined commissioned pastors as elders who function in their office in extra-ordinary or exceptional ways, and that Church Order’s recommendation allows a commissioned pastor to add one more extra-ordinary function.

In addition, synod voted to add language to the BCOstipulating that an organizing church (a new church plant) have a classis-appointed governing body that functions similarly to both a consistory and a board of elders.

Yesterday, synod moved toward allowing commissioned pastors to serve as delegates to classes, regional synods, and General Synod.