
Yohannes Bekele

  • Educação e desenvolvimento de liderança

The student body of Mekane Yesus Seminary in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia—the flagship theological institution of an 11-million-member rapidly growing denomination—is a beautiful representation of the diversity of God’s people. Many students travel to the seminary from rural areas to receive a proper theological education as they prepare to lead respectful missional ministries among their Muslim neighbors.

Yohannes serves as the Director of the Christian-Muslim Relations Centre at the seminary, which is tied to a bachelor’s and master’s degree program. This new Centre will be pivotal in equipping pastors, evangelists, and other church leaders with the skills they need to provide a sensitive Christ-centered witness among their non- Christian neighbors.

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Dê para Bolsas de Estudo do Seminário Mekane Yesus - Etiópia

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