
Rick Zomer junta-se ao pessoal do RCA como coordenador para o Next Generation Engagement Blog Post

...alma mater, em várias funções de liderança, mais recentemente como diretor de serviços de eventos. "Estas experiências me colocaram em contato diário com jovens que estão crescendo profundamente em sua fé, assim como com aqueles que se afastaram de um relacionamento pessoal com Deus e de um compromisso com a igreja,” Zomer diz. "Como resultado, eu...


O Sínodo considera os negócios judiciais Blog Post

…Clyde Bradley of Illinois Classis to CJB’s original recommendation proved helpful to delegates who struggled to reconcile the judicial procedure with the RCA’s stated position that homosexual practice is sinful and contrary to Scripture. Bradley’s amendment added to the recommendation, “This affirmation only affirms that the Regional Synod of the Mid-Atlantics followed the procedural requirements of the Book of Igreja

Um bloco de madeira com a forma de uma casa fica na frente de pilhas de moedas embaçadas.

Subsídio para Igrejas Flutuadoras Página

igreja building Deferred maintenance Socioeconomic status of igreja attendees and/or the financial position of the congregation This grant is intended for organized churches who call the RCA home and intend to stay in the RCA Apply for a grant A committee of General Synod Council (GSC) staff will oversee the grant program, including both the selection process and follow-up with…


Moscas-marcas que chovem Blog Post

…approve. Dad didn’t care. I argued that Jesus’s disciples were fishermen and it was better to think of God while fishing than to think of fishing while sitting in igreja. Eventually I wore her down. I’d ride down to the stream, my pocket stuffed with worms. I’d wade out into the shallows, and there I would fish. One Sunday afternoon,…


"Abundantemente muito mais" Blog Post

...seja a glória do igreja e em Cristo Jesus para todas as gerações, para sempre e sempre. Amém". Jason esticou este jovem para atravessar a luta. Ele não o desencorajou ou o deixou desistir. Jason permitiu que o grupo se reunisse para ajudar. Ele fez uma equipe de 150 estudantes e adultos e juntos eles completaram...


Aprendendo juntos para liderar as crianças Blog Post

…webinars, and peer coaching, participants are learning about volunteer training and recruitment, igreja staff dynamics, family ministry, missional engagement ideas for kids, and strategic plan development. One of the 12 participants is Andy Van Ommeren of Alton, Iowa, who attended the learning community’s kick-off retreat in the spring. Van Ommeren writes this about the retreat: I had the opportunity this…

Notícias do Sínodo Regional do Canadá Blog Post

…the full-time chaplain in the Brant Community Healthcare System. On June 30, 2015, Dirk Kramer, pastor of Drayton Reformed Igreja, retired from full-time ministry. We thank Dirk for his many years of faithful ministry. On August 20, 2015, Al Plat was ordained as minister of Word and sacrament. Al has accepted a call to Athabasca Reformed Congregation, in Athabasca, Alberta….

desenho de linha de menino e menina de joelhos em círculo com raios

Viagem à Jamaica Página

…the Deaf community in Jamaica. Attend igreja and worship with the Deaf community. Visit CCCD schools and Deaf Village training campuses. Visit Deaf Can! Coffee and learn about Deaf-run enterprises. Experience Jamaican hospitality through conversation, food, shopping, and other local experiences. Visit the beautiful YS Falls in Saint Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica, where seven waterfalls cascade into pools surrounded by gardens….