
로마 사람들과 그리스도를 나누다 - 매치 캠페인

Felipe and Janelle work with Roma youth in the Jiu Valley to build trust, perseverance, character, and courage through rock climbing at Fara Limite. Within the last few years, they also started Anchor Church and Fara Limite Education Program. Cost-of-living increases due to the economy and the war in Ukraine have caused a gap in resources needed to fund their programs and church plant. Your gift of any amount will help us reach a match of $40,000 and make it possible to continue providing: · a church community for the Roma people who are not welcome in other local churches. · a safe place for youth to experience safety and respect, develop life skills, pursue education, and come to know the love of Christ. · loving educational support for students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and need additional learning assistance. · equitable pay for Anchor and Fara Limite staff as well as the necessary resources to keep the lights and heat on and doors open.

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