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New Brunswick Theological Seminary has been a part of the Reformed Church in America going all the way back to the seminary’s founding in 1784. The Reformed Church in America celebrates our ongoing relationship and is excited to join the seminary community for several events throughout March.

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JP Sundararajan

Diretor da Missão Global

Derrick Jones

Supervisor da Missão RCA na África

En Young Kim

Supervisor da Missão RCA na Ásia e no Pacífico, Coordenador dos Ministérios do Pacífico e da América Asiática

Luis Ruiz

Supervisor da Missão RCA na América do Norte, América Latina e Caribe

Scott Engelsman

Supervisor of Marketing, Disaster Response, RCA Mission in Europe and the Middle Eas

Stephanie Soderstrom

Coordenador da Missão de Curto Prazo

John Hubers

RCA Missionary in Ethiopia

Eliza Cortés Bast

Supervisor of Local Missional Engagement & Strategic Ministry Initiatives

Eduardo Rodriguez

Leadership and Local Missional Engagement Specialist

Sung Kim

Coordinator for Leadership Development

Liz Testa

Coordinator for Women's Transformation and Leadership

Randy Weener

Diretor de Multiplicação da Igreja

Mike Hayes

Catalisador de Multiplicação da Igreja

Tricia Leistra

Gerente de Operações de Multiplicação da Igreja

Tiffany Fan

Church Planter of United Reformed Church

Russ Siders

Senior Pastor of Sunrise Community Church