RCA Guia do Plano de Aposentadoria para Ministros Página

Guide for Ministers of Word and Sacrament Our fax number is: 833-627-7620 Email: retirement@rca.org Mailing address: Board of Benefits Services Reformed Igreja in America 475 Riverside Dr, Suite 1606 New York, NY 10115 I want to set up Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/direct deposit for my recurring retirement distributions. You may set up EFT to have your distributions directly deposited into…


Superar o medo da liderança Blog Post

…football field, so why would we think one person would play all the positions in an organization like a igreja, school, or business? My greatest joy in leadership is to work together as a team, to accomplish a goal driven by a common mission, and to see each individual, through that teamwork, use their gifts and resources to help the…

Pastor Leadership Cohorts Página

…a cohort of four to six other senior leaders. Nothing replaces the power of this simple twice-a-month rhythm for regular training, discussions, questions, and processing. The first call focuses on self-leadership. The second call focuses on practical strategies to increase the health and vitality of your igreja. Who should join? This process is open to pastors looking to grow in…

Capelã de serviço feminino no pódio

Capelães Página

Who We Are A chaplain is a minister of Word and sacrament called by God and ordained by a classis to minister outside the walls of the igreja. Chaplains extend compassionate care for everyone within their institution regardless of religious preferences; they almost always work in the context of a multifaith team. Other responsibilities include providing worship and ministry leadership,…


Lee DeYoung Eleito Vice-Presidente do Sínodo Blog Post

Synod delegates have elected Lee DeYoung as vice president of General Synod 2017. He is an elder at Hager Park Reformed Igreja in Jenison, Michigan. “I am humbled, truly humbled,” DeYoung told delegates upon his election Tuesday morning. “I’m not worthy of this opportunity, this challenge. I covet your prayers.” DeYoung is vice president for international ministry at Words of…

Dan Gillette

Dan Gillett Eleito Presidente eleito do Sínodo Geral Blog Post

…Instead, we were hearing stories of transformation.” As president, Gillett vowed to do two things: to focus on the mission of the RCA, being lived out through Transformed & Transforming; and to ensure that the processes of General Synod are fair. Gillett is currently the lead pastor of First Reformed Igreja in Holland, Michigan. He will be installed as president during…

Todd Billings

O Mistério de Nossa União com Cristo Blog Post

…hold both together with distinction without mixing the two,” he said. “Christ is our only source for both our ministry and our unity.” Following Billings’s talk, delegates spent time in small groups, discussing the ideas of justification and sanctification, as well as ways in which Transformed & Transforming can help the igreja live into its identity as the RCA. See full…


RCA Grieves Morte do Lew Scudder Missionário da Quinta Geração Blog Post

The longtime RCA missionary died on November 1. The Reformed Igreja in America honors the legacy of Lew Scudder, a retired RCA missionary, who passed away in the early morning hours of All Saints’ Day, November 1, on the island of Cyprus, where he and his wife, Nancy, have made their home for two decades. Lew and Nancy served as…


Votos sinodais contra a terapia reparadora Blog Post

…synod decreed that the RCA does not support the use of reorientation or reparative therapy. Papers adopted by General Synods in 1978 and 1979 included references to reparative therapy, as did Homosexuality: Seeking the Guidance of the Igreja, a study guide on the matter of sexual orientation first made available to congregations, classes, and regional synods in 1998. References to…

Quatro velas vermelhas do Advento são acesas, enquanto uma árvore de Natal embaçada e luzes estão em segundo plano.

Candelabros, Luzes de Velas e Tableau Página

Inspired by the Children and Worship story approach, the Rev. Douglas Fromm developed the tableau of the nativity to tell the story of Jesus’ birth at the early Christmas Eve carol and candlelight service in his igreja. The style of the readings and the wondering questions are similar to the Children and Worship stories, except that in the tableau, people…