우리는 말하기 리소스 페이지

…(pause) Leader: Amen. A Song of Christ’s Goodness – Anselm of Canterbury This medieval prayer, written by a Benedictine monk, speaks poignantly of the healing we find in Christ. A Prayer for Women and Survivors Ellie Wilber originally offered this prayer at City of Church of Long Beach (RCA). Evangelical Covenant Church resources for Domestic Violence Awareness Sunday Resources from…


RCA 대표단, 에큐메니칼 반인종주의 집회 참가 블로그 게시물

…Part of that pursuit, he said, necessitates reflection and self-인식. “In our desire to be celebrative and unified, we grossly overlook how divided and separated we are racially and ethnically. allow politics to supersede … how sisters and brothers in Christ experience life and belittle efforts to create change for their blessing and betterment. And how our denomination grew from…


변화: 어렵고도 영광스러운 변화 블로그 게시물

…was not expecting an overhaul. It began with a growing 인식 that I was not very present to God or others. I lived in a kind of an intellectual bubble, experiencing most things through my mind. When I began to look at this more closely, the Spirit revealed that there was a deeper reality: I was not very connected to…

전 세계에서 피난처를 찾는 사람들의 모습이 수채화로 그려져 있습니다.

세계 난민의 날 페이지

View all needs June 2020 RCA Global Mission is joining with Christians around the world to observe World Refugee Sunday. Participants can choose the Sunday before or after June 20, which is World Refugee Day; the dates for 2020 are June 14 or June 21. Will you and/or your church join us in raising 인식 about refugees and displaced people,…

총회 본회의 전경

2020 총회 연기, 가을 특별 세션 개최 예정 블로그 게시물

…of a place, legal implications based on our bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. All of our conversations were made with the 인식 that the current health crisis puts us into uncharted territory.” A virtual event was ruled out after examining General Synod bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, which only permits them if authorized by an organization’s bylaws. The…

릴리 스토리

RCA, 목회자들의 재정 문제 해결을 돕기 위해 100만 달러의 보조금을 받았습니다. 블로그 게시물

…better equip pastors and congregational leaders for personal financial management and growing congregational generosity. The RCA will partner with other organizations in this mission, including the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving, Leadership Network, and the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability, in order to increase 인식 about the financial challenges faced by RCA pastoral leaders. “We are grateful for the…

가사와 음악이 있는 찬송가 책의 한 페이지를 클로즈업한 사진입니다.

예배용 디렉토리 페이지

…the liturgy is an important factor in the nurture of God’s people. Theology of Announcements Those responsible for the leadership of worship should do all they can to assist the congregation in a knowledgeable 인식 of the movement of worship from the votum to the benediction. To accept this responsibility raises anew the necessity for a liturgical theology of announcements….


미션 트립, 리믹스 블로그 게시물

…cultural immersion experience that helped deepen their ideas of leadership and expand their cultural 인식. It also gave them a chance to implement their leadership skills. Leadership growth During orientation, after taking assessments to discover their strengths and spiritual gifts, the students were commissioned to be leaders on their trips. The weeklong trips provided lessons in flexibility, patience, and other…


빛 가져 오기 블로그 게시물

…in a while or who have never attended church. The events are not trying to recruit new members. Preaching and teaching are part of First Reformed’s mission, Wolf says, and church members are growing in 인식 and compassion for the community, while also building relationships with community leaders. “These gatherings are based on meeting needs of people regardless of where…