
목적의식을 가지고 걷는 방법 블로그 게시물

While walking the streets of her neighborhood, Anna Jackson noticed things she hadn’t before. What she saw led her congregation to make some changes. Anna Jackson’s daily walk helped her 교회 get reacquainted with its neighborhood Queens Reformed 교회 has sat on the same street corner in its New York borough since 1858. It’s the oldest 교회 in what has…


다시 듣기 블로그 게시물

…I longed to hear were no longer audible.” Similarly, Kinne mourned her sudden inability to participate fully in the life of her 교회, 개혁 교회 of Syracuse (RCS), in New York, where she has worshiped her entire life and currently serves as an elder. Within the sanctuary, which is equipped with a hearing loop, Kinne could hear anything amplified by…


숨겨진 혜택 블로그 게시물

…their life from the inside out. Another less visible recipient of the benefits of this experience is the 교회 that HIS Work Camp overwhelms for seven days. Congregations in the Chilhowee Baptist Association have a huge passion to respond to disasters and human hardships around the world. One of these congregations is East Maryville Baptist 교회, which hosted our group…

CPAAM이 이끄는 아침 예배에서 설교하는 프란시스카 루모코이

총회 일일 요약: 2022년 6월 11일 토요일 블로그 게시물

…the Reformed 교회 in America. And they departed with no letter of blessing. The General Synod of the Reformed 교회 in America has taken no time to lament the loss of these vibrant individuals and the incredible gifts they offered Christ’s 교회,” he said. Over the course of lengthy and often emotional floor discussion, the recommendation underwent substantial revision. An…

미션 모험

미션 모험 블로그 게시물

A Colorado 교회 wanted to find a way to do mission more sustainably and meaningfully. So they partnered with a 교회 in Guatemala to help kids. By Lauren Forsythe Last June, a small group of us from All Souls 교회 of Boulder boarded a plane and flew to Guatemala 도시 to visit our partner 교회, Iglesia Belen, for the second…


진행 중입니다: 7명의 리더가 새로운 교육 프로세스의 혜택을 누리다 블로그 게시물

…(Veldt has done considerable work in commissioned pastor training with Leadership Center colleague Burt Braunius.) “We started talking about how there is a clear need for leadership development more broadly in the 교회,” says Veldt. Through research with selected 교회 members and staff, he discovered a two-fold need the pilot program attempts to address. One was to give newer 교회

에디 알레만 사무총장이 시노드에서 보고서를 발표하고 있습니다.

총회 일일 요약: 2021년 10월 15일 블로그 게시물

…mission as a 교회 planter. Alemán went on to share his gratitude for the Spirit’s work in Global Mission and 교회 Multiplication. He noted that more than 85 percent of new RCA 교회 plants since 2019 have been led by planters of color. More than 85 percent of new 교회 planters are bivocational or covocational. Embracing diversity and staying rooted…

미션 2020 리소스 페이지

…Nepal, Romania, Thailand, the Netherlands, Hungary, Kenya, and beyond. Give your gift today! Go: Several of our 교회 planters host vision and mission trips each year. Learn more about these opportunities. Do you feel called to 교회 planting? Pray with your 교회 and see how God might lead you to be a missionary with the RCA. Contact for more…


피난처 찾기 블로그 게시물

…after the deacon and his wife moved away. Another 교회 member gave her rides to school. “It truly has been a 교회 effort,” Busker says. “When needed rides, or people to help her understand different legal issues, or whatever it may be…the 교회 has stepped up.” Khabbazeh has embraced the 교회, too. “She’s become a member of Ponds 교회, joined…

VP 그룹 사진 웹

2016년 총회 - 부총회장 후보자 블로그 게시물

…teaching,” she says. “I help students work through and discuss difficult questions about the Bible, the 교회, and their lives. My students (and occasional 교회 groups) affirm my ability to listen carefully and ask good questions without imposing my views.” She has two adult children. Stacy Midge is an associate minister at First Reformed 교회 in Schenectady, New York. She…