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2023 General Synod offering

The General Synod president has designated two recipients for offerings received for General Synod 2023. The total amount received will be divided evenly among the two designations.

Setshabelo Family and Child Services

Setshabelo Family and Child Services in Botshabelo, South Africa, provides counseling for traumatized children, temporary safe care for abandoned children, foster care, and in-country adoption. Because every child deserves a safe, loving, forever home, Setshabelo serves the whole family by offering support groups for fathers, marriage enrichment courses, parenting workshops, and more.

South Sudan Refugee Care Project

While new humanitarian crises continue to force the migration of marginalized people groups, the violent conflict in South Sudan has continued. The people of South Sudan are rarely in the current news cycle, but more than 4 million people are forcefully displaced, many of whom live in refugee camps in Uganda and other neighboring countries. While living in the refugee camps, they face ongoing threats to their safety and security, including conflict within the camps among refugees with different political/tribal affiliations and conflict between the refugees and their host communities. In partnership with RECONCILE International, your gift will help reach a shared goal of $85,000 to facilitate peace and reconciliation, social cohesion, and trauma care services for South Sudanese refugees living in Uganda.

If you’d prefer to donate via text, you can text GS2023 to 1-616-213-0233


Your financial support will help Setshabelo Family and Child Services and the South Sudan Refugee Care Project

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