The Reformed Church in America Church Growth Fund, Inc. (CGF) is a non-profit corporation that functions under the supervision of the RCA General Synod. The CGF supports the work of the denomination by making affordable rate loans to RCA churches and related agencies for the purchase, construction, and improvement of buildings and other properties used in ministries.
As a primary source of funding for loans, the CGF sells interest bearing investments called savings certificates. Income generated by loan interest is used to help fund RCA grants and scholarships. More information can be found at
All board members must be of full legal age and must be members in good standing of the RCA. The seven members of the board must have competence in the fields of banking, finance, accounting, real estate, or law, particularly as they relate to the evaluating of mortgage investments.
Please consider whether service on the Church Growth Fund Board is something to which God is calling you. If it is, provide the Commission on Nominations with information about yourself by completing a profile form.