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Commission on Nominations

The Commission on Nominations nominates members for the General Synod Council and all other General Synod commissions and agencies, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws. It searches the denomination for suitable nominees, considering geographic location, occupation, record of previous service to the denomination, and other pertinent data in light of each commission’s or agency’s responsibilities, membership needs, suggested nominees, and place and schedule of meetings. Members of the commission are responsible for gathering information on nominees within the bounds of the respective synods from which they are appointed (in consultation with the stated clerks of the classes and regional synods). The commission also monitors the inclusiveness of the membership of various commissions and agencies with respect to geography, gender, age, cultural and social differences, racial/ethnic representation, and academic and other appropriate expertise (BCO Chapter 3, Part I, Article 5, Section 8).


The Commission on Nominations was first established as the Committee on Nominations in 1939 (MGS 1939, p. 322). It became a permanent committee in 1962 (MGS 1962, p. 393). In 1970, General Synod began to make changes in the organization and responsibilities of committees and commissions and sought to make groups more consistent; the Committee on Nominations underwent some reorganization at that time (MGS 1970, pp. 146-148).


The thirteen members of the commission must consist of one representative from each of the eight regional synods; one member representing each of the racial/ethnic groups of African Americans, Hispanics, Native American Indians, and Pacific and Asian Americans; and the immediate past president of General Synod. At all times, at least three of the members must be lay people, and three must be ministers. The regional synods and racial/ethnic councils are responsible for nominating individuals to this commission (BCO, Chapter 3, Part I, Article 5, Section 8).

Please consider whether service on the Commission on Nominations is something to which God is calling you. If it is, please contact your regional synod stated clerk or racial/ethnic council.