The Commission on Nominations nominates members of the Reformed Church in America for election by the General Synod to its commissions, agencies, and boards. All confessing members of the RCA (ministers, commissioned pastors, and laypersons) are eligible to serve.
The CoN is called to identify diverse and healthy leaders—inclusive with respect to geography, gender, age, cultural and social diversity, and academic or other appropriate expertise—for service in the church. Willing individuals and completed profiles are essential in this effort.
A brief description of each commission, agency, and board appears below. Service involves meeting a few times a year either in person or by videoconference. Terms are generally two terms of three years each, beginning on July 1.
Please consider whether service on any of these bodies is something to which God is calling you. If it is, please provide the Commission on Nominations with information about yourself by submitting a profile form!