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Learning to Adjust

by Jhonny Alicea-Báez

edited by Bob Terwilliger, spring 2023

My life took an interesting turn when I was asked to retire on a specific date. I had not expected to retire, and obviously had made no serious preparations for it. But the date came, and I joined thousands of other RCA ministers in returning to local congregations.

Retirement threw us into a series of challenges, questions, and decisions. Where will we live: Michigan, Arkansas, Missouri, Florida, Puerto Rico, or Japan? Will there be opportunities for ministry? Will we find a medical community that will be able to help us with aging challenges? We felt overwhelmed by the prospect of having to leave Michigan and relocate; we had felt that Michigan would be our last place of residence. But the Lord had other plans, and we’re learning to adjust our plans to his plans.

Moving closer to one of our sons seemed the most appropriate thing to do. But since they lived in different states, we had to seriously consider where we would land. We made the decision to move to Arkansas, to be closer to our younger son and his family. Given the national feelings of animosity towards the police, we decided to give him the support he and the family needed as he lived out his calling as a public servant.

Being next to family was good, but there are no RCA churches in Arkansas; the one closest to us is in Missouri, not too far from our oldest son, but still six hours away for us.

That forced us to do some “church shopping,” which turned out to be an interesting experience. We had a lot to choose from: Southern Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Independents, Charismatic, Pentecostal, etc. By God’s grace, we landed in a church that has been very good to us.

We have been part of the Bible Church of Little Rock, a Reformed and independent church, which has a solid commitment to Reformed theology and ecclesiology, high value on “equipping the saints for the work of ministry,” and a huge emphasis on families and lay leadership. All these elements of ministry are taken seriously by the church’s leadership and passed down to up-and-coming leaders.

All this to say that retirement has been a challenge and an opportunity for growth, to mature, and to make all necessary adjustments to live in conformity to the Lord’s will as we are aware that we’ll be in the Lord’s presence in the not-too- distant future.

Physically, Arkansas has proven to be a huge challenge for me. Upon moving to Arkansas, migraines have become a daily occurrence, some lasting for days (which keeps me in bed longer than I desire to). Though the medical community has not been able to help me in this matter, I have come to accept this new reality in my life. After considering my medical history and the 15 years of dealing with migraines, one neurologist looked at me and blurted out before my wife, “Maybe you are being tested by God.” For him, if all my physical exams were good, and there was no visible sign of tumors in my head or blockages in my arteries, then what I was experiencing was totally from the Lord.

I have taken that to heart and found solace in Philippians 1:29: “For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake” (NASB). So I have been doing a lot of reflection on the issue of suffering in general and suffering for Christ in particular. And these times of reflection have helped me to look at those around me with different eyes. No doubt the Lord will continue to broaden my understanding of suffering and how it relates to my character development, as well as to how I will pray for the lost, those in bondage to sin, and those who find no help or aid to their physical and spiritual pain.

Jhonny received a BA from York Bible College and an MDiv from New Brunswick Theological Seminary. He served Suydam Street Reformed Church in New Brunswick, New Jersey; Iglesia Reformada Bethel in Passaic, New Jersey; Hope Church in Orlando, Florida. Jhonny has also served as secretary of the Hispanic Council.