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The restructuring team met for our final in-person meeting in Orlando, Florida, January 16-18, 2024. The time together was bittersweet knowing this would be our final in-person meeting to accomplish our work as a team. Additional virtual meetings are scheduled to continue and finalize our work. 

Our three-day meeting was hyper-focused, delving into our second proposal draft and evaluating each of the nine proposals, considering what we have been discerning from God and from the denomination to determine what should remain a priority in the restructuring process. We continue to listen and are grateful for the feedback received on our second draft proposal from the 17 roundtable gatherings held from September 2023 to January 2024. Once again, participation was high and feedback insightful. 

Our work remains focused on the structures of the denomination and how they might be restructured in order to help every congregation and ministry focus on “Making disciples of Jesus Christ who participate in God’s reign everywhere.”

Draft Proposal #2 Feedback Summary

In the second set of roundtable gatherings, we enhanced our strategy on requesting feedback on our second draft proposal. We added both a five-point rating scale question and an open-ended question for each proposal. This strategy provided more immediate feedback for the restructuring team to consider, which allowed us the chance to gauge the effectiveness of our work. We were able to get a sense of the support, opposition, and neutral/uncertainty of each proposal and prepare to make adjustments, research further, and anticipate revisions for our final report to the General Synod in June 2024. 

We have noticed growing support from draft 1 to draft 2. Feedback from the five-point rating scale showed the following trends: 

  • Five of the nine proposals received 70 percent or higher rating of “Strongly Support & Support”, with scores combined 
  • One of the nine proposals had a 30 percent or higher rating of “Strongly Oppose or Oppose”, with scores combined 
  • Four of the nine proposals had 25 percent or higher rating of  “Neutral/Unclear”

Feedback from the open-ended questions showed the following trends; these are the themes that arose for each, but these lists do not indicate the frequency of the feedback, and are listed in no particular order.

Proposal 1:
Create one level of governance in between the consistory and the General Synod

Positive Feedback:
Streamlining Governance | Cost Efficient | Enhanced Local Focus | Increased Flexibility | Clearer Decision-Making

Risk of Losing Local Connections | Implementation Challenges | Potential for Overcentralization | Uncertainty About Roles and Functions | Impact on Existing Structure

Proposal 2:
Move to a triennial in-person General Synod with a brief virtual annual meeting when there is no in-person General Synod to conduct necessary business

Positive Feedback:
Cost Efficient | Emphasis on Local Engagement | Technology Advancements | Reduced Frequency and Increased Quality | Global Participation

Impact on Relationships and Unity | Decision-Making Efficiency | Frequency and Relevance | Logistical Challenges | Risk of Disengagement

Proposal 3:
Recommend the General Synod to experiment with conducting business through consensus rather than Robert’s Rules of Order at future meetings(s) of the General Synod

Positive Feedback:
Encourages Inclusivity | Reduces Divisiveness | Cultural Sensitivity | Enhances Understanding | Modern and Flexible

Risk of Inefficiency | Lack of Clarity in Process | Potential for Dominance by Strong Personalities | Challenge in Large Groups | Risk of Minority Voices Being Overlooked

Proposal 4:
Review and ensure the ordination process in the RCA is equitable and just across languages, cultures, and ministry experiences

Positive Feedback:
Emphasis on Diversity | Fairness and Justice | Empowerment of Diverse Leaders | Broader Accessibility | Valuing Different Ministry Experience

Maintaining Standards | Implementation Challenges | Potential for Lowering Quality | Resource Allocation | Need for Clear Guidelines

Proposal 5:
Reduce the number of commissions as defined by the
BCO to Theology, History, Church Order, Judicial Business, and Nominations

Positive Feedback:
Efficiency and Cost Savings | Empowering Local Action | Reducing Bureaucracy | Focus on Essential Commissions | Adaptability to Change

Loss of National/Global Impact | Neglecting Important Issues | Reduced Representation and Diversity | Diminished Resources and Support | Lack of Clarity on Future Operations

Proposal 6:
Instruct the Commission on Church Order to propose amendments to the
BCO to allow for the creation of new judicial bodies that will hold the church accountable for its work

Positive Feedback:
Enhanced Accountability | Efficiency in Handling Judicial Matters | Clarity in Judicial Processes | Focus on Key Issues | Specialized Expertise 

Potential for Overreach | Lack of Clarity on Structure and Function | Risk of Increased Bureaucracy | Impact on Local Autonomy | Vagueness in Proposal

Proposal 7:
Give fuller expression to the parity of the four offices of the church, expanding roles for more collaboration between all offices, and further empowerment of elders and deacons

Positive Feedback:
Increased Inclusivity | Empowerment of Elders and Deacons | Collaboration and Unity | Recognition of Diverse Gifts | Strengthening Local Leadership

Role Confusion | Implementation Challenges | Training and Support | Potential for Overburdening | Maintaining Doctrinal Integrity

Proposal 8:
Set a limit on General Synod’s covenant shares to be no more than 1.5 percent of contributions received (line 21) in the Consistorial Report Form (CRF) by 2027

Positive Feedback:
Support for Fiscal Responsibility | Local Church Empowerment | Reduced Financial Burden | Encouragement of Local Ministries | Promotion of Budget Discipline

Financial Viability | Potential Impact on Denomational Services | Need for More Data and Analysis | Possible Negative Impact on Staff and Programs 

Proposal 9:
Study, explore, define, and enhance the global movement of reformed churches as the RCA lives into “Making disciples of Jesus who participate in God’s reign everywhere”

Positive Feedback:
Global Engagement | Diversity and Inclusion | Learning Opportunities | Strengthening Worldwide Connections | Expanding the Church’s Impact

Resource Allocation | Maintaining Identity and Unity | Potential Cultural Challenges | Impact on Local Congregations | Clarity and Feasibility

Moving Ahead Toward the Third Draft

First Draft Proposal

Second Draft Proposal

The restructuring team has identified the proposals that will remain a priority for the restructuring process in our final report to General Synod 2024. In our last meeting, we spent significant time evaluating, re-ordering, aligning and drafting them in General Synod recommendation language. The team is working on the edits that were initiated at our January meeting so that we can make our third draft available in advance of the third set of roundtable gatherings, to be held as webinars, so participants have ample time to read and prepare for participation.

The third draft of our proposal will be more fully explained at the upcoming webinar presentations led by restructuring team members. To register for one of these virtual roundtable meetings, click the link of the meeting below that you’d like to attend. Once you’ve registered, you will receive the meeting link. 

We hope to see you at one of these meetings! Anyone with a heart for the RCA is invited to participate. Our team especially encourages those who will be serving as delegates to General Synod this summer to join us at one of these events.

We invite you to remain informed and engaged in the restructuring process as well as seeking God’s will for the RCA and the structure that will best support it. Our team asks for your prayers as we continue and finalize our work. For all updates about the restructuring team process, visit If you wish to communicate with our restructuring team, please email

May God bless you, 

The Restructuring Team

Eddy Alemán
Dale Assink
Greg Brower
Michelle Chahine
Chad Farrand
Andrea Godwin-Stremler
Sung Kim
Micah McCreary
Sheeri Meyer-Veen
Ina Montoya
Young Na
Andres Serrano
Gildo Vieira