
Jeffery and Chelsea Lampen

  • Evangelism and church planting
  • Education and leadership development

The glamour of wandering streets lined with historic architecture or feeling a new language roll off your tongue are a few exhilarating parts of new ex-pat living. But settling into a foreign place can feel lonely, especially when a language different from your native tongue is spoken. It can be hard for ex-pats to find community—particularly a church community—where they truly belong.

Jeff and Chelsea Lampen have been called to co-pastor RELISH, the Reformed English Language International Service of Hannover—a community of English-speaking international students and ex-pat individuals and families. In a time of global possibilities, God still works through personal connections and authentic community—which the Lampens will carry into their pastoral roles.Jeff and Chelsea will also partner with the World Communion of Reformed Churches to support the ministry of unity and interdenominational collaboration within the Caribbean and North American Area Council (CANAAC) region.

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