
New Leaders for a Trusted Model Blog Post

…run into one of two problems: either there’s too much turnover because volunteers can come only for a week, resulting in minimal progress, or the volunteers are limited to those who are able to be gone for several weeks at a time. But by staying at one site for several months, the Hawleys have provided needed continuity while allowing volunteers…


“…And a Little Child Shall Lead Them” Blog Post

…Worship program, a Montessori-type approach to Christian education that allows children to hear, see, touch, and respond to Bible stories. Brownell’s classes often involve children from preschool to high school, but Dai stood out to her in particular. “Whenever he attended Children and Worship, I could clearly see that the process of getting ready to hear the story of God…


Meet General Secretary Candidate Eddy Alemán Blog Post

…about the confessions. They used to teach in Sunday school the Heidelberg Catechism. Learning the questions and answers, and the articles of the Belgic Confession—that was good for me!” Getting involved in everything, ever Over the next five years, Eddy served as an elder and a deacon and as treasurer. He drove the church van, made the bulletins, and organized…

Christmas ornament of three wise men on camels hanging on Christmas tree

On the Way to Bethlehem Page

Adapting the Children and Worship approach for a Christmas service Every Christmas Sunday at Pultneyville Reformed Church we do away with the sermon. In its place, we have our children present the Word of God. Planning this particular service was a group effort. The pastor, a Children and Worship leader, and I decided to use the Advent and Christmas stories…

Canons of Dort Page

children. The corruption spread, by God’s just judgment, from Adam and Eve to all their descendants—except for Christ alone—not by way of imitation (as in former times the Pelagians would have it) but by way of the propagation of their perverted nature. Article 3: Total Inability Therefore, all people are conceived in sin and are born children of wrath, unfit…

Confirmation and the Reformed Church Page

…the path that, with the admittance of children to the Lord’s Table, it has been trying to move over to. Indeed, if the Church Order of 1874 were still in effect, modern boards of elders would have no problem in admitting children to the Lord’s Table!2 History of Confirmation In order to understand the pre-1906 position of the RCA, some…

She is Called Holy Land Trip Page

…Galilee and the Jordan River. Capernaum, Mount Arbel, the Mount of Beatitudes, and the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter. Magdala, Mary Magdalene’s home before she left everything to follow Jesus. The Mount of Olives churches and the Kidron Valley. The Church of the Resurrection, built on the site of Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. The Israel Museum. Beer…


Shine Like Stars Blog Post

…parents, advance spiritual maturity, reach other children, and serve all children. The center of the effort is a Wednesday evening program called Logos for children from kindergarten to sixth grade. The evening features “table parents”—adults who sit with the kids around tables for a meal and a story/lesson. The same table parents stay with the same kids each week throughout…

Statements of General Synod Page

…ministries and congregations in which young people with disabilities are fully included Amend policies so that people with disabilities and family members of people with disabilities are participants on task forces addressing children and youth ministries Create new resources that utilize universal design and serve all students Develop curriculum recommendations for RCA seminaries and colleges that are training people in…


A Different Kind of VBS Blog Post

…and director of youth ministry. Dwyer believes that the children’s generosity was fueled by the fact that they were helping other children. They helped even more children by supporting the work of Christ’s Home for Children, an organization that provides group homes for children, a transitional living program for teenagers, and group homes for teenage mothers and their babies. Each…